May Mission Month 2022

May Mission Month – Influencer Miss Tuck

Isabella Lilias Trotter was a women of influence. Remember her prayer: ‘ Lord, give me the fellowship with Thee about the heathen that Thou hast given to those two.’ Last week we considered Charles Simeon 1759-1836 Anglican minister at Cambridge where he served for 54 years and was at the forefront of the modern mission movement leading men (Simeonites) like Samuel Marsden…

May Mission Month – Influencer Lilias Trotter

Serena Carcasole released a book last year titled Amazing Women of Influence: Heart-Centred Female Warriors on a Mission to Change the World! “Each of these Women of Influence has overcome adversity and triumphed by creating a life she loves. They have used their personal transformation to start businesses or practices that help others improve their lives. As…