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Mark 12 with tony Ling – challenging the authority of Jesus

the Authority of Jesus Challenged
Chapter 12 is part of a larger narrative that includes up to ch 13. The section revolves around three or four days (11:1–11, Sunday; 11:12–19, Monday; 11:20–13:37, Tuesday and probably Wednesday).
Our text today begins where we left of in Chapter 11 with the chief priests and elders questioning the authority of Jesus. Has to be understood that one did not teach unless one had authority – to do so (Edersheim) was the mark of ignorant assumption or daring rebellion.

Mark 11:27–33
Christ then taught three parables to teach these leaders re the kingdom. One the background of Isaiah’s parable of the vineyard, the theocratic vineyard-privileges to Israel… the horrible treatment they dealt out to God’s prophets from time of Elijah to John the Baptist, culminating with the pending arrest, false trial and crucifixian of the beloved Son.
Parable of the Tenants (evil farmers, vine owner’s son) vv 1-12 (the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the elders)
Paying Taxes to Caesar (Pharisees and Herodians) vv 13-17
No Resurrection from the dead vv 18-27 (Sadducees only time)
The Great Commandment vv 28-34 (by teacher of religious law)
David’s Son and The Widow’s Offering – authority demonstrated vv 35-44