Sermons on Jeremiah

#5 Jeremiah 18 A hope and a future – the potter and the clay

Words are important. Like in Germany one of the words that re-emerged in the pandemic (from World War II) was hamsterkauf. Literally “hamster buy,” it referred to “the act of succumbing to our basest animal-brain instincts to hoard more necessities than we would ever actually need” (R Schuman). Like toilet paper. Actually, the Germans have…

#2 Jeremiah – the call of God – Jeremiah ch 1

A Hope and A Future When Sir Ernest Shackleton set out to find a crew for what turned out to be his ill-fated voyage to Antarctica in 1915, he placed an ad in the Times of London which read: “Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of…