I will consider all your works and mediate on all your mighty deeds.
I will consider all your works and mediate on all your mighty deeds.
Understanding how Theology leads to Worship- serving God with your whole life
Psalms 133 & 134 The people of God in the presence of God
There’s a sense where we all carry similar emotional baggage into each new day and each new year. – reducing our joy, our capacity to love or be loved, impacting our relationships & affecting our emotional, physical, & spiritual health. Reducing our capacity to flourish. Hebrews 12:1–2 (NLT) 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by…
Live Stream – With COVID restrictions VHBC now meets at Encounter Lutheran College Kondole centre at 10.00 a.m. each Sunday. We follow Government guidelines with social distancing, registering and sanitising, and no hugs or handshakes. The service includes both creche and children’s program. RE-GATHERING Welcome if you’re new to VHBC! Offering in our Kondole gatherings will not be physically taken, but there…
He is Here – in the Valley Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 Over this Advent season in preparation of our heart and minds for Christmas we will be reflecting on the tag line – He is Here – and ways in which that is witnessed in our human experience. We’re…
Psalm 42 is the lament of an individual thirsty for God, hopeful, removed from the opportunity to worship with the people of God, and in deep despair. It is the voice of a spiritual believer, depressed, longing for renewal, struggling with doubts and fears, but holding to hope and faith in the living God. Psalm 42…
Rev Melinda Cousins reflects on the Psalms of Ascent, particularly Psalm 120-122 in a manner that evokes emotion and imagination encouraging God’s people to live as people of God in the presence of God in unity. Psalm 120 is a psalm of dislocation and distress, what it is like to be a stranger in a…