The Family of God

Peter speaks about the importance of the nuclear family and the Family of God (the church).

We live in a time where most people want to “belong” and know love, understanding and encouragement. They want to establish solid relationships that endure the good and the bad times that life throws at us.

Some people try and find those wonderful qualities in a myriad of clubs, organisations and groups. These qualities should be experienced in the context of “family”. Family was a vital part of God’s plan from Family was so crucial to God’s plan that it is included in the Ten Commandments “Honour your father and your mother..”

Let us never forget that the masterpiece that reveals more about God than anything else occurred when He made “family” at the beginning of time. From that day on, society seems to have done its utmost to destroy, shatter & break this beautiful God-created unit.

God has established His family – we the people of God are His family and we are called to take His place and reach out to the hurting and hungry, the lonely and lost, the confused and frightened.

He sends us into the world to minister, to care, to make a difference in our hurting world.

What a privilege, what and honour, what a responsibility!